
QT Beauty Academy

Learn Everything You Need for Your New Career in QT Beauty Academy Courses. Get Started on Your Future as a Beauty Professional.

Graduate from the International Beauty Academy.

High-Quality & Affordable Courses.

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Microblading and Shading Training

(Microblading and Shading Training Available in Toronto, Ontario plus 1 extra day for the live model. Graduate from the top International Beauty Academy. High-Quality & Affordable Courses.)

Toronto, Canada 15-16 June 2022 Course: Microblading and Shading Training.
Don’t miss the opportunity to become an artist at the most prestigious academies in the world, and learn how to make the most natural-looking eyebrows by learning 4 techniques all in one workshop.

Negar Izadshenasan will guide you through two days of theory & practice plus 2 extra days working on live models by students plus unlimited FREE online mentorship. choose to get your training with or without a starter kit
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Microblading Training Hands-on Event
Register today as spots are limited!
limited spot available! Take the opportunity to learn and upgrade your work.

What will you get with this training?
Beginners Microblading Training.
4 techniques BoldBrows + Shading + Hair strokes + Nanobrows
2 days of theory & practice + 2 extra days for live models
Kit + online mentorship
International Certificate

Training without kit $ 2000
Training with Starter kit $2500

Eyeliner & Lip Blush Training

(Become a Successful Permanent Makeup Professional. Learn Ombre Lips, Lip Blush, Eyeliner Blush Shaking up the PMU industry with new Beauty and Tattoo classes taught by experts)

Permanent Makeup & Lip Tattoos a Lip Enhancement, or Lip Blushing, treatment can correct asymmetrical shaped lips and add definition to lip contours to create fuller lips without injections. Our lip Blush and color shading treatment will improve the natural shape of your lips and give a beautiful shade of your choice, and a perfect lip outline.

My new and first perfection course “Blush Eyeliner” is suitable for all beginners and experienced artists!
Reach new clients with the most-in-demand, popular brow service available on the market. Shaded eyeliner gives a modern defined twist to traditional eyeliner enhancing the overall appearance of your eyes. This technique is based on adding powder pigment depending on the client’s eye shape and style. Permanent makeup could make your client’s eyes look gentle and glamorous.
1. Learn how to create extraordinary, natural & perfect healed results
2. Learn how to create a shading effect technique for the eyes
3. including a starter kit
4. Unlimited support
5. learn the technique easily
6. Eyes anatomy and different shapes
7. Create different designs
8. learn using different needle sizes
9. tutorials, videos, lectures, photos

Become a Successful Permanent Makeup Professional. Learn Lip Shading Phi Lips, Ombre Lips, Lip Blush, Powder Lips and Shaking up the PMU industry with new share all lip tattoo classes.
Learn Everything You Need for Your New Career in Top-Notch Beauty Courses. Get Started on Your Future as a Beauty Professional.

Training without kit $ 2000
Training with kit + machine $2800
Training with kit $2500

Lip Blush Training

(Become a Successful Permanent Makeup Professional. Learn Ombre Lips, Lip Blush, Powder Lips. Graduate from the top International Beauty Academy. High-Quality & Affordable Courses.)

Permanent Makeup & Lip Tattoos a Lip Enhancement, or Lip Blushing, treatment can correct asymmetrical shaped lips and add definition to lip contours to create fuller lips without injections. Our lip liner and color shading treatment will improve the natural shape of your lips and give a beautiful shade of your choice, and a perfect lip outline.

Permanent Makeup & Lip Tattoos a Lip Enhancement, or Lip Blushing, treatment can correct asymmetrical shaped lips and add definition to lip contours to create fuller lips without injections.

Reach new clients with the most-in-demand, popular brow service available on the market.

Become a Successful Permanent Makeup Professional. Learn Lip Shading Phi Lips, Ombre Lips, Lip Blush, Powder Lips and Shaking up the PMU industry with new share all lip tattoo classes.

Learn Everything You Need for Your New Career in Top-Notch Beauty Courses. Get Started on Your Future as a Beauty Professional.

Training without kit $ 1500
Training with + machine $2500

Powder Brows Training

(Become a Successful Permanent Makeup Professional. Learn Powder Brows/ Ombre Brows/ Micro Shading in this course. Graduate from the International Beauty Academy. High-Quality & Affordable Courses.)

Course description:

Powder brows basic training is suitable for beginners who are willing to learn the machine technique. No previous experience is required.

Training includes:

– Unlimited Support

– Powder brows artist certificate and number

– QT Beauty Academy Certificate

Training without kit $ 1900
Training with Machine $2500


Microblading + Ombre Powder Brows + combo Brows Training

(Become a Successful Permanent Makeup Professional. Learn Microblading, Ombre Powder Brows and Combo Brows in this course. Graduate from the International Beauty Academy. High-Quality & Affordable Courses.)


No need to spend money on an “Advanced” class later! No Prior Training Required! Worried you will need more than 2 days training? Rest Assured Cosmopolitan Academy also offers Free Follow Up Training! Not only will you learn Microblading in this detailed microblading course but you will also learn Micro shading / Ombre Brows and Combo brows in this innovative class PLUS you will also learn TATTOO CORRECTION! Have you ever wondered how to become a microblading artist -Be ready to surpass the competition with this course – don’t blend in with basic training, stand out with the most advanced techniques!

Training without kit $ 2500
Training with Machine $3000
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